Title: Ferrule, Hose Fittings, Metal Stampings | Truexinc
Description: Truex Inc. Since 1976 - Manufacturers of precision hose fittings, couplings, and metal stampings. Need a ferrule? Check out our online catalog.
Description: CTI Industries, Inc. is a service company that specializes in steam condenser repair and heat exchanger repair. CTI Industries has been of service to the electric utility, refinery, chemical, petro-chemical, commercial marine, U.S. Navy, paper mill, fert
Title: Allied High Tech Products, Inc. - Products For Precision Surface and Sample Preparation
Description: Allied High Tech Products designs, manufactures, distributes, services and supports a wide range of high-quality sectioning, mounting, polishing, grinding, cleaning, imaging and analysis equipment, and consumables, for technicians, scientists and enginee
Description: Nanometer Technologies manufactures the AFiS fiber optic inspection station and the i-Probe. We make polishing fixtures for MIL T 29504. We also the only true figure 8 fiber optic polisher on the market today. Our MCP 48 polisher has the highest connecto