Title: Led on Line - Electronic Archive of Academic and Literary Texts
Description: Online publication in PDF format of academic and scientific texts in the Social sciences & Humanities: Classics, Literature, Linguistics, Philology, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Law, Economics, Statistics
Title: RADICALIFVG - I radicali del Friuli Venezia Giulia
Description: Il FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA RADICALE. Le iniziative politiche Radicali, antiproibizioniste sulla droga, sulla scienza, sul sesso, per la liberta' individuale, liberali, laiche, liberiste e federaliste europee. Le battaglie per il presidenzialismo, per la ri
Description: Consulenze & Perizie Giudiziarie in tutta Italia cell. 329,8541334 Lo studio opera prevalentemente a sostegno della difesa in ambito Civile, Penale, Amministrativo in tutti i gradi di giudizio ed in particolare nella fase delle indagini difensive per la
Description: For more than 10 years, over 2 million people have successfully changed their bodies by following the scientifically proven principles of Body-for-LIFE, a healthy lifestyle plan that helps you achieve and sustain your fitness goals.
Description: The ZAMFOHR is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering the development of scientifically and ethically-sound health research.
Title: Weight Loss - Success Stories Tricks - Fitness Secrets
Description: Marble Island, Victor Harbor hosts Little Penguins with medical determine Eudyptula Small. Blue Penguin which could only be present in Australia and New Zealand