#11,695,585 (
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Title: the official atelierTheremin website
Description: atelier Theremin: surfin´ the etherwaves!
Keywords:Theremin, Berlin, Termenvox, Perpetual feedback mechanism, Elektronische Klang- und Geräuscherzeugung, Oscillators, Music from the Ether, Manfred Miersch, Electronic musical instruments, Leon Theremin, Künstliche Klänge, Analog, Etherwaves, Ethervox, Aetherophon, Hochfrequenzgeneratoren, Ätherwellenmusikinstrument, Rückkoppelungen, Subharmonische Mixturen, Klangerzeugung, Elektromagnetische Wellen, Elektroakustische Musik, Turntable-Samples, Loops, Frequenzen,
... (View More)
Thereminvox, Mixturtrautonium, Elektrische Schwingungen, Aetherwellen, A weird experimental music project from Berlin, Avantgarde electronics, vocalization & countertenor, Strange tools of electronic music, Electromagnetic fields, Lev Termen, experimentelle Musik, Vocoder, Korg Wavedrum, Travel Case Theremin, Physical Modelling synthesis, Ethereal voices, spoken-word, Krautrock, Analogue, Minimalism, Psychedelic, Electronic music, Electronics, Ambient, A bizarrely elaborate mix(View Less)