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Title: Pilbara Railways, photos of current iron ore operations in NW Western Australia
Description: BHP, FMG, Fortescue Metals Group, Pilbara Rail, Rio Tinto, Hamersley Iron, Robe River Iron Associates, dash 7, dash 8, dash 9, ES44DCi, and AC 6000 loco photos.
Keywords:ute, utes, rail, railways, trains, ironore, iron, engine, locomotive, roberiver, rrioa, ore, yandi, yarrie, ac6000, dash7, dash8, dash9, es44dci, evo, fmg, fortescue metals group, tpi, bhp, pilbararail,
... (View More)
pilbara rail, hamersleyiron, hamersley iron, robe river, loco, pilbara, hi, rio tinto, rio, comalco, weipa, bauxite, toad, richard, montgomery, westrail, vr, vline, qr, freightcorp, an, anr, australian national(View Less)