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Title: Dutch Distribution Centres
Description: Dutch distribution centres the solution for distribution of vegetables, potatoes and fruits. To reduce the waste of food on the way from farmer to the consumer. In some countries the waste are over 30% to 40% loss.
Keywords:distribution, centres, distribution centres, distribution centers, dc, centers, food waste, vegetables, potatoes, fruits, onion, carrot, cabbage, potato, food safety, reduce waste, processing lines, food processing, cold store, allroundvp, vegetable processing, storage solution, controlled atmosphere, agricultural, agrofood,
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agro, weighing, packaging, palletizing, machines, machine, asa-lift, bejo seeds, allround storage, salco industrial doors, newminds, vam watertech, manter, verbruggen palletizing, jongejans dust collectors, barcelona valuta, vital parts, value chain, urbanization, transparent market, environment, sustainability, fresh food, function of a dc, dust collectors(View Less)