Title: FilmSound.org: dedicated to the Art of Film Sound Design & Film Sound Theory
Description: FilmSound.org serves as an essential learning space dedicated to aspects of film sound. The site is organized in sections that include links to articles (from practical to scholarly) on how sound is used in films. There are also links to articles on the
Keywords:film sound, movie sound, Sven E Carlsson, Michel Chion, narrative effects, Analyzing terminology, Randy Thom, Walter Murch, THX, Home Theatre, Glossary, resource site, Red October, Star Wars, Rich Altman, Gianluca Sergi, movie sound articles, theoreticans, filmsound, Post production, Film theory, Bibliography, audio, Acousmatic, Synchresis,
... (View More)
Added Value, Audiovisual Contract, Foley, Soundscape, Room Tone, Sound designer, Audio Post, soundtrack, diegetic, Sweeten, Loudness, Pitch, Timbre, Acoustic properties, Acousmetre, Magnetization, synchpoint, game audio, Temporalization, Listeners, Audience Reception, classification, Robert Bresson, Moving Pictures, Audiopost Non-diegetic, presence, T2, Terminator2, motif, Soundscape, audiolinks, TV, audiography, sound editing, Cliches, Animation sound, film music, sound effects recording(View Less)