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Title: AET - Allied Engineering and Testing, Inc.
Description: Allied Engineering and Testing is a full service organization operating its own field and full service FDOT inspected and approved laboratory testing facilities.
Keywords:aet, allied engineering, engineering, fdot, geotechnical, threshold inspection, environmental, contract drilling, auger, asphalt, bridges, cei, cmec, construction, construction engineering inspection, consulting, dbe, deep foundations, drilling, environment, forensic, foundations, geology, geoenvironmental, ground improvements,
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groundwater, hand auger, inspection, laboratory, laboratory testing, material materials, monitoring well, pavement, pda, pile driving, quality control, boring, rock coring, rotary, rotary mud, samplers, sinkhole, soils, soil dynamics, split spoon, spt borings, test pit development, water, welding, wells(View Less)