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Google search volume for "hcpcs"

Website results for "hcpcs"

 17 websites found

#138,650 (-10%) -
Title: Medical Billing Codes - ICD-9-CM, ICD-10-CM, CPT�, HCPCS - Medical Coding
Description: Simple search for Medical and health care billing codes online. Current 2010/2011 codes, accurate information on ICD-9 (ICD-9-CM and ICD-9-PCS), ICD-10-CM/PCS, CPT(R), HCPCS, PQRI and other billing codes and code sets.
#206,547 (+7%) -
Title: SHPS, Inc.
Description: SHPS, a national outsourcing firm, specializing in human resource and benefits administration, health care management, cost containment, and fulfillment services for mid-to large size businesses.
Keywords:Carewise Health, Carewise, SHPS, health management, total population health management, medical management, benefits administration, employee benefits, health and welfare outsourcing, human resource management, care management, medical management, group medical management, risk management, health care management, demand management, nurse triage, utilization management, utilization review, case management, pre-certification, integrated disability management, disease management, disease state, population based disease management,
... (View More)
pharmacy claims data, claims analysis, health management, healthcare management, pre-cert, ur, um, cost reduction, medical criteria, protocols, software protocols, utilization management protocols, outsourcing, cafeteria plan(s), hr, hrms, health and welfare, health and welfare outsourcing, flexible benefit plan, benefit plans, employer, employee, benefit plan administration, eligibility management, open enrollment, premium only plan, pop, flexible spending, flexible spending account, fsa, spending accounts, reimbursement, reimbursement accounts, flex savings plan, health care reimbursement account(s), dependent care reimbursement account(s), fulfillment, provider directories, packaging, and assembly, COBRA, hipaa, retiree benefits administration, enrollment services, interactive voice response, optical character recognition, benefits enrollments, employee self service, internet applications, portal, commuter reimbursement account, commuter reimbursement, qualified transportation fringes, transportation reimbursement, qualifying event notices, qualifying event notifications, voucher reimbursement, transportation voucher, personal health account, parking, hipaa, fmla, leave of absence, benefits, enrollment, call center, ivr, ocr, Section 125, Section 132, retirement administration, commuter voucher, web-based enrollment, total absence management, cost management systems, cost containment review, retrospective review, hospital bill audit, diagnosis-related group validation, drg, cost based review, data only review, pharmacy review, negotiation services, network discounts, refund and credit balance recovery, subrogation, health care subrogation, third party liability claims, claim identification, icd-9, diagnosis, codes, cpt-4, hcpcs, settlement and recovery(View Less)
#322,474 (-22%) -
Title: – Your Optimal Online Coding Resource –
Description: CodeItRightOnline defines "state of the art" technology. Users can quickly access online content from an entire suite of coding and billing reference materials in one powerful application. Yet even the novice computer user will find it easy to navigate.
#21,720,110 (-39%) -
Title: CPT Coding Made Easy - Medical Coding with CPT Codes
Description: Health claim audit, medical coding with CPT codes, medical procedure codes and Medicare information for providers and payors.
#0 (0%) -
Title: Provider Consulting Solutions' Home
Description: Provider Consulting Solutions (PCS) is a healthcare consulting firm, focused on revenue cycle management for healthcare providers and specializing in reimbursement methodologies and compliance issues, to assure hospitals receive full reimbursement for se
Keywords:PCS, PCS consulting, PCS Solutions, Provider Consulting Solutions, RAC Risk, Healthcare consulting RAC, Recovery Audit contractors, RAC, RACs, Charge Capture, Charge Description Master CDM Services, Clinical Documentation, Coding Reviews, Compliance, Education & Training, Inpatient CMI Improvement, Rebilling Engagements, Recovery Audit Contractor RAC, Reimbursement Analysis, Cost Report Reviews & Rate Appeals, Disproportionate Share Adjustment DSH, Medicare and Medicaid Rate Review and Appeals, Third Party Reimbursement and Cost Report Prepa, Regulatory Support, SentinelTM Product Suite: Sentinel Outpatient a,
... (View More)
#581,735 (-14%) -
Title: Health Providers Data
Description: Medical data for patients and healthcare providers. Medical data look up for NPI numbers, Diagnosis Codes, Taxonomy Codes, Healthcare Common Procedure Codes, National Drug Codes, CLIA Codes and more.
#8,087,963 (0%) -
Title: – Your One-Stop Online Coding Resource –
Description: AMBACode leverages the powerful technology of the Internet. Users can quickly access online content from an entire suite of coding and billing reference materials in one powerful application. Yet even the novice computer user will find it easy to navigat