#10,094,167 (
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Title: ERIEM Surgical - Microsurgical and plastic surgical instruments
Description: ERIEM Surgical - Microsurgical, Aesthetic, Plastic, Reconstructive, and Hand Surgery instruments. Featuring Razor-Edge® scissors.
Keywords:microsurgical instruments, plastic surgical instruments, microsurgery, micro instruments, plastic, reconstructive, aesthetic, hand, cosmetic surgery, hand surgery, plastic surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, surgical instruments, Acland, Tupper hand, microvascular clamps, microsurgical forceps, microsurgical scissors, microsurgical needle holders, micro dilators, Razor-Edge Scissors, Scissors, surgical scissors, Metzenbaum scissors, Stevens tenotomy scissors,
... (View More)
Webster needle holder, Neurolac, nerve guide, nerve conduit, peripheral nerve, S&T, face lift, rhinoplasty, Rohrich Rhinoplasty, nasal instruments, Gorney, endo-forehead, Endoscopic surgical instruments, breast dissectors, rasps, rongeur, forceps, Adson forceps, osteotomes, DeBakey forceps, Sable Needle holder, titanium instruments, retractors, skin hook, adventitia scissors, dissecting scissors, Tish Forceps, jewelers forceps, Contrast Background, micro suture(View Less)