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Title: The S.P.E. Group | Index
Description: The S.P.E. Group
Keywords:The S.P.E. Group, utility, pike, SPE, power lines, powerline par, mj electric, overhead, lemeyers, IBEW, underground, distribution, bucket henkels, McCoy, repairs, maintenance, Detroit Edison, Florida, Teco, progress, energy, electricity, co-ops, Line, FPL Pole,
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towers, transformers, lights, MDOT, wire, rope rig, cross arms, insulators, Urd, excavating, irby line tools, observation, M and M, safety, quality service, customer satisfaction, electrical, electrical construction, well-trained, skilled professionals, promptly, safely, efficiently, lightning to light bulbs, large utilities, small corporations, municipalities, scott sheldon, kurt satryb, electrical contracting, transmission, storm restoration, troubleshooting, locally, nation-wide, service call, flexibility, innovation, management, OSHA, independent field safety audits, drug free, alcohol free, first aid, CPR trained, bonding capabilities, overhead distribution, substation construction, industrial, commercial, residential, restoration, aerial line inspections, emergency services, plan, organize, responsive, turnkey solutions, licensed electrical contracting, environmentally friendly, union-trained, licensed subcontractors, prompt customer service, courtesy, insulated bucket truck, digger truck, wire pulling equipment, bulldozer, backhoe, trencher, all terrain track vehicle, specialized equipment, renting, leasing, safety inspections(View Less)